Vanity Fair Subscriptions Are Booming After Trump Outburst

Last week, Vanity Fair published a scathing review of Trump Grill, the steakhouse in Trump Tower, featuring such criticisms as, “The taco bowl, perfectly adequate as it was, is not good enough to prevent Trump from deporting millions of Hispanics,” and, “It seems like a cheap version of rich.” In top narcissist form, Trump responded to the review by tweeting that Vanity Fair had “really poor numbers,” that it was “Way down, big trouble, dead!” and that editor Graydon Carter had “no talent, will be out!” Naturally, what Trump said was quickly proven untrue.

Per MediaPost, not only has Vanity Fair revenue grown year-over-year, but, thanks to Trump’s tantrum, the magazine has seen a huge spike in subscriptions in the last week. In the 24 hours following Trump’s tweet, Vanity Fair added 13,000 new subscribers, 100 times their average daily subscriptions. This constituted the highest number of subscriptions sold in a single day at Condé Nast, said a spokesperson to numerous media outlets. The New York Times also experienced a similar post-Trump-attack surge, adding 41,000 subscribers.

Vanity Fair has been embracing the attention that comes when the next person to be President of the United States of America can’t handle even the slightest amount of criticism in a mature way and thrusts you into the spotlight as a way to protect his fragile ego. After Trump’s tweets, Vanity Fair offered a special deal to subscribers with a header that refers to the magazine as “The ‘way down, big trouble, dead!’ magazine Trump doesn’t want you to read.”

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