Watch Vagabon Perform “Every Woman” with Angel Olsen

Music News Vagabon
Watch Vagabon Perform “Every Woman” with Angel Olsen

Vagabon and Angel Olsen each released one of the best albums of October, and joined forces for an extensive fall tour. The lucky fans attending their show at Oakland’s Fox Theatre on Dec. 7 got to see them literally share the stage for a performance of Vagabon’s “Every Woman.” Thankfully for the rest of us, an official live video was released Tuesday.

“Every Woman” is an ode to women’s strength and solidarity, and Olsen’s harmonies only add more resonance to its message. “We reserve the right to be full when we’re on our own,” the two assert, together. “No, we’re not alone.”

Watch Vagabon perform “Every Woman” featuring Olsen below.

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