One Congressman Said That Rising Sea Levels Might Be Caused By Dirt. You’ll Never Guess Which Party He Belongs To.

One Congressman Said That Rising Sea Levels Might Be Caused By Dirt. You’ll Never Guess Which Party He Belongs To.

Let’s play a game. No, hell, let’s play two games. The first is one called “Guess the political party!” and is very easy, and the second is called “Guess the state!” and…is also kinda easy.

First, some context. The House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology held a hearing on Wednesday about rising sea levels, and listened to evidence from experts suggesting it’s due to climate change. Some members of this committee had other opinions, and told the experts that they “should all be open to different points of view” and “acknowledge the certainties that exist.”

HOLD ON! We’re not playing “Guess the party!” yet. Because those quotes were actually pretty tame examples of concern trolling compared to the crown jewel of stupidity. Here’s the money quote:

Every time you have that soil or rock or whatever it is that is deposited into the seas, that forces the sea levels to rise,” he said. “[B]ecause now you have less space in those oceans, because the bottom is moving up.”

The expert scientist tried to interrupt him, but the man wasn’t done:

What about the white cliffs of Dover, California, where time and time again you’re having the waves crash against the shorelines, and time and time again, you’re having the cliffs crash into the sea. All that displaces water, which forces it to rise, does it not?”

Okay, now we’re ready to play! First: GUESS. THAT. PARTY!!!



If you said Republican

you’re absolutely right!

Now for the second game: GUESS. THAT. STATE!!!!



If you said Massachusetts….

you’re dead wrong.

It’s Alabama. It was Rep. Mo Brooks, a Republican from Alabama.

I will be patiently counting the days until the Republicans release the “Ocean Shovel Brigade Bill,” which forces poor people to wade into the ocean, shovel a bunch of dirt into a wheelbarrow, and dump it into public school classrooms, or something.

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