Jonah Hill and Emma Stone Get Caught up in “Some Multi-Reality Brain Magic Shit” in Full-Length Maniac Trailer

Jonah Hill and Emma Stone Get Caught up in “Some Multi-Reality Brain Magic Shit” in Full-Length Maniac Trailer

It’s standard to be wary of anything or anyone that makes bold promises, like solving all your problems with no negative consequences. That’s exactly the opposite of how Emma Stone and Jonah Hill behave in new Netflix limited series Maniac. The Superbad co-stars reunite as “two strangers who find themselves caught up in a mind-bending pharmaceutical trial gone awry” in the Cary Fukunaga-directed original show.

On Monday, Netflix released Maniac’s first full-length trailer, which finds the pair inextricably linked on some “multi-reality brain magic shit.” The trailer flashes between images of Stone and Hill—who play Annie Landsberg and Owen Milgrim, respectively—being questioned by Justin Theroux’s Dr. James Mantleray and a series of alternate realities, including a Lord of the Rings journey, a roaring ‘20s party and one in which Hill rocks a mullet.

Apparently, their realities shouldn’t mesh because Mantleray berates his assistant: “Something’s wrong. What did you do?” he asks. “Every time I separate them, they just find their way back together,” she responds. Watch the full trailer below and check out the series’ stunning new key art further down..

Maniac premieres on Netflix on Sept. 21. Until then, we’ll be wondering if Mantleray’s miracle pill can cure the Monday blues without turning us catatonic.


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