Watch Bill Cosby Walk a Tightrope with Jimmy Fallon on His Back

Having raised five Huxatables, Bill Cosby is no stranger to carrying a lot of weight, but a far more literal load fell on the septuagenarian’s shoulders Wednesday night. Challenged by Jimmy Fallon to cross a (suspiciously two-dimensional) tightrope, the Coz barely made it one step before the Tonight Show host jumped on his back. To his credit, Cosby made it all the way across the stage armed with little more than an aluminum curtain rod.
It was a great bit, and gave the Great Sweatered One a chance to launch into a particularly Cosby-ian rant about daredevils. Of course, this isn’t the first time an old man has been jumped on the Tonight Show, Jay Leno having pioneered the practice with his recurring “Jaystomping” segment. Check it out above.