Jim Jefferies Talks to Ty Burrell about the Foster Care System in This Clip from The Jim Jefferies Show

Jim Jefferies Talks to Ty Burrell about the Foster Care System in This Clip from The Jim Jefferies Show

It’s not exactly breaking news that the foster care system in America has deep problems. You probably don’t know, though, that Ty Burrell, the star of Modern Family, has been helping provide kids in the foster system with an after school activity that both serves as a creative outlet and helps them develop skills that could lead to work in the film and TV business. “Kids in the Spotlight” is a non-profit that started in 2009 and teaches foster kids how to write, make and act in their own films. Burrell, whose father was a social worker in the foster system, is one of the most prominent ambassadors for the program, and has hosted its award show multiple times.

Jim Jefferies talks to Burrell about “Kids in the Spotlight” on tonight’s episode of Comedy Central’s The Jim Jefferies Show. The Australian comedian also visits one of the acting sessions and interviews some of the kids who participate in it. It’s a touching and funny look at a program that aims to make life a little bit better for foster kids, and you can get a sneak peek at the segment before it airs, exclusively here at Paste.

Tonight’s episode will also be raising money for “Kids in the Spotlight” and awareness for National Foster Care Month. For every retweet The Jim Jefferies Show gets of the embedded tweet below, it’ll donate $1 to “Kids in the Spotlight,” up to $10,000. Comedy Central/Viacom will be matching that donation, and so will Jim Jefferies himself, so the potential total donation could reach $30,000. So read that tweet, consider retweeting it, and then watch the clip below.

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