Google Introduces New Interface for Google Fonts

Typography geeks, rejoice. The Google Fonts site has been overhauled and redesigned, looking sleeker and easier to use than ever.

The new layout features font previews in a grid style that allows you to resize the type right there, and change the preview text to suit your needs. A sidebar lets you filter the directory for serif, sans serif, display, handwriting and monospace. You can also sort by trending, popularity, date added and alphabetically. Along with the all-encompassing “Directory” tab, there is also a tab for “Featured,” showing off lovely fonts that you may not have otherwise noticed among the ridiculous amount of types.

Google Fonts offers 800 types, all for free and available for download to your desktop and embeddable to your website. Check out the new interface here and get lost in discovering cool new fonts with equally cool names like “New Rocker” and “Reenie Beanie.”

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