Toast Ale is Made from Surplus Bread

Roughly 40% of all food ends up in the landfill, and a lot of that food is fresh baked bread, straight from a bakery. Tristram Stuart, a food warrior in England is trying to do something about all that leftover bread by using it to brew a beer called Toast Ale. In just a year, he’s managed to divert 7,000 pounds of bread from the landfill in the UK thanks to his Toast Ale. Now, some social entrepreneurs want to bring the concept to the U.S., where 1/3rd of fresh bread goes straight into the landfill. They’re partnering with an unnamed brewery in New York to brew a pale ale and planning to use locally-sourced, surplus bread from local bakeries. All of the profits from Toast will go to Feedback, an environmental organization that aims to end food waste. Maybe the coolest part, Toast has open-sourced their recipe so every homebrewer can turn their own leftover bread into beer.
Check out the video below and their Indiegogo page.