The 50 Best Tweets About Michael Flynn Requesting Immunity to Testify in the Trump-Russia Saga
Photo by George Frey/Getty
In case you’ve been hiding under a rock for the last 24 hours, The Wall Street Journal dropped a news bomb yesterday evening—reporting that Donald Trump’s former National Security Adviser, the Kremlin-connected Michael Flynn, has offered his testimony to the FBI, the House and Senate intelligence committees in exchange for immunity.
There really isn’t much more that we know about this ordeal than that, so be sure to pace yourself and temper your expectations—as this could just be a ploy by Flynn to save himself from certain prosecution (keep in mind that he has an entirely separate issue with his undisclosed lobbying on behalf of Turkey, along with his reported conspiracy to effectively kidnap one of the Turkish Prime Minister’s political foes in the United States and transport him to Istanbul). That Flynn’s offer has not been accepted yet raises questions about how big this could be, but needless to say, the fact that he’s offering to testify at all says quite a lot. Twitter had fun with this news, and plenty of experts weighed in to provide context to this story. Here are the 50 best tweets about this ordeal.
Unless Trump Posts a Geraldo-Style Nude Selfie, Michael Flynn, Nunes Leaks Will Be the Story
— Rick Wilson (@TheRickWilson) March 31, 2017
Michael Flynn be like:
— Black Aziz Ansari ???? (@Freeyourmindkid) March 31, 2017
Michael Flynn’s lawyer voted for @Evan_McMullin & @mindyfinn in the Presidential election.
— The Reagan Battalion (@ReaganBattalion) March 31, 2017
Just leaving this here
— John Schindler (@20committee) March 31, 2017
Breaking the life comes at you speed barrier
— Jared Rizzi (@JaredRizzi) March 31, 2017
The irony is delicious: Michael Flynn led cheer of “Lock her up” at RNC and now he’s begging for immunity so he doesn’t get locked up
— (((DeanObeidallah))) (@Deanofcomedy) March 30, 2017
Michael Flynn should probably stay away from ledges, balconies, pie shops, the back seats of cars, swimming pools, bridges, taco trucks
— Wil Wheaton (@wilw) March 30, 2017
“President Trump has never met anybody named Michael Flynn.” —Sean Spicer, tomorrow
— Jason Pinter (@jasonpinter) March 30, 2017
The president even got in on the action, continuing his theme of definitely not broadcasting his paranoia through Twitter.
Mike Flynn should ask for immunity in that this is a witch hunt (excuse for big election loss), by media & Dems, of historic proportion!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 31, 2017
Give Michael Flynn immunity against being charged as a witch.
— Roger Critchlow (@recri) March 31, 2017
The public should learn a lot more about WHY General Flynn wants immunity when Sally Yates testifies before the House Intelligence Committee
— Adam Schiff (@RepAdamSchiff) March 31, 2017
Here’s an eerie tweet from Michael Flynn’s lawyer from November.
A prediction: Donald Trump will make novel and unusual use of the President’s pardon power. An under-utilized tool of political power.
— Robert Kelner (@robkelner) November 13, 2016
Good morning, I don’t know what it means that Mike Flynn is looking for immunity, I just know what it meant for Big Pussy on The Sopranos.
— Meghan McCain (@MeghanMcCain) March 31, 2017
A leading COIN theorist and friend of HR McMaster has a theory about Russia/Flynn×31
— Adam Weinstein (@AdamWeinstein) March 31, 2017
George W. Bush’s chief White House ethics lawyer joined in on the fun.
Renaming my kids’ pet canary bird General Flynn.
— Richard W. Painter (@RWPUSA) March 31, 2017
Mike Flynn had nothing to do with Russia…
— Darth Putin (@DarthPutinKGB) March 31, 2017
One thing to keep in mind: just because Flynn is requesting immunity doesn’t automatically mean that he’s guilty of a crime (like both he and Donald Trump have previously said about those who request immunity). This is a fairly standard practice to ensure that his testimony isn’t used against him in court.
Lawyers: …this is standard
— Jesse Singal (@jessesingal) March 31, 2017
In Putin’s Russia, so admired by Trump, Mike Flynn would be dead.
— Roger Cohen (@NYTimesCohen) March 31, 2017
re: Flynn asking for immunity
— G. Elliott Morris???? (@gelliottmorris) March 31, 2017
If you’re not following Congressman Ted Lieu, you’re twittering wrong. Dude is hitting the Trump administration with a digital flamethrower on a daily basis.
When people say “Lock Him Up,” I get confused. Are they referring to #Flynn? Or #Manafort? Or #Page? Or #Stone? Or another Trump associate?
— Ted Lieu (@tedlieu) March 31, 2017
In retrospect, this National Enquirer attack on Michael Flynn was clearly meant to send a message: No Snitching.
— Jeet Heer (@HeerJeet) March 31, 2017
Even w/ immunity, 2 points on Flynn: 1) Not exactly Mr. Truth on anything 2) Sessions misled McConnell’s Senate under oath w/ no consquences
— Glenn Thrush (@GlennThrush) March 31, 2017
— Stephen Colbert (@StephenAtHome) March 31, 2017
Flynn hopes to win the Immunity Challenge, but in “Survivor: White House” America gets to vote all those bastards off the island.
— George Takei (@GeorgeTakei) March 31, 2017
Trump & his men packing up soon ????????????????????????#Flynnflipped#theresistance#trumprussia#mikeflynn#flynn#treason Mike Flynn Immunity Lock her up
— Currently Resisting (@CResisting) March 31, 2017
Mike Flynn has offered to testify in exchange for immunity, proving that Mike Flynn has never heard a rap song.
— Comedy Central (@ComedyCentral) March 31, 2017
Unless Mike Flynn testifies that Trump once tried to get poor people health insurance, most Republicans will just yawn.
— LOLGOP (@LOLGOP) March 31, 2017
BREAKING: Mike Flynn seeks immunity from prosecution, Mike Pence seeks immunity from the beguiling curves of an unmarried woman’s ankles
— Pixelated Boat (@pixelatedboat) March 31, 2017
Small world: Eric Holder’s law firm Covington & Burling (which is also Uber’s firm & has often been Exxon Mobil’s) is now Mike Flynn’s.
— Avi Asher-Schapiro (@AASchapiro) March 31, 2017
Trying to remember if anyone else who blocked me on Twitter has ever turned state’s evidence but I think Mike Flynn is the first
— Adam Weinstein (@AdamWeinstein) March 31, 2017
A friend put the Flynn Lawyer statement into context:
— Steve Saideman (@smsaideman) March 31, 2017
Screen-cap of Mike Flynn’s current computer screen:
— Mrs. Betty Bowers (@BettyBowers) March 31, 2017
I wonder if Michael Flynn used his mind-reading equipment and it told him he was fucked
— Sarah Kendzior (@sarahkendzior) March 31, 2017
Suprised that general Flynn is trying2 get immunity after Trump allready warned him it causes autism
— PFTCommenter (@PFTCommenter) March 31, 2017
Straightforward from here
1 Flynn testifies
2 Trump sent to Moon Jail
3 Constitutional crisis
4 Special election
5 Pres. Hillary tucks me in— Ethan Booker (@Ethan_Booker) March 30, 2017
#BREAKING: Trump reacts to Mike Flynn seeking immunity with a new executive order.
— Immune Monkey King (@VitruvianMonkey) March 30, 2017
You’re all going to be disappointed when Flynn shows up and only testifies Pizzagate is real.
— Stephen Miller (@redsteeze) March 30, 2017
REPORT: Flynn Seeking Immunity For “Winning So Much It’s Illegal”
— Patrick Monahan (@pattymo) March 30, 2017
Mike Flynn, the guy who chanted lock her up is looking for immunity from prosecution.
— May Brian (@mabri1741) March 30, 2017
Flynn should also ask Putin for immunity.
— Garry Kasparov (@Kasparov63) March 30, 2017
All Flynn has to do to get immunity from the FBI is tell them he works for Hillary.
— Seth Mandel (@SethAMandel) March 30, 2017
Sean Spicer tomorrow: Mike Flynn? Didn’t he work for Obama? I’m not sure what he has to do with us
— Mazel Tov Cocktail (@AdamSerwer) March 30, 2017
@Jakeweindling@PressSec I believe Mikaelflyn is Russian for “snitch”?
— Screamer Jim ???? (@HeheWaitWhut) March 30, 2017
Amazing. Nunes’ bullshit source is one of Flynn’s leftovers that McMaster tried to can. What a perfect circle jerk. Giotto-esque really.
— Father Guido SarDShK (@ZeddRebel) March 30, 2017
Breaking: White House invites Mike Flynn to come receive special award
— Marc Masters (@Marcissist) March 31, 2017
NEW: US and British intelligence officers discussed Flynn’s contacts with Russia before his appointment by Trump
— Sabrina Siddiqui (@SabrinaSiddiqui) March 31, 2017
Why was Yates testimony cancelled? She was about to reveal that #Trump knew about #Flynn being compromised wks b4 his firing
— Jonathan Beeley (@foreignpolicy77) March 29, 2017
“In one email exchange described by Andrew, Flynn signed himself as ‘General Misha,’ Russian for Mike.”
— Michael B Kelley (@MichaelBKelley) March 31, 2017
Respected US general Michael Flynn to testify concerning high treasons and misdemeanors of human offal sack Donald Trump.
— DPRK News Service (@DPRK_News) March 31, 2017
Lastly, take this one with several truckloads of salt, but if this is true, Michael Steele is one hell of a source given how plugged in he is to Republican politics.
Former chairman of RNC Steele told WWR at lunch that .@RealDonaldTrump will not finish his term; advises clients to bolster ties w/VP Pence
— West Wing Reports (@WestWingReport) March 31, 2017
Jacob Weindling is Paste’s business and media editor, as well as a staff writer for politics. Follow him on Twitter at @Jakeweindling.