Get A Close-Up Of Oscar Isaac In The New X-Men: Apocalypse Trailer

Were you wondering what the Internet’s boyfriend might look like as a metallic green demi-god bent on destroying humanity? You’re in luck. The latest trailer for X-Men: Apocalypse is here, and Isaac’s title character is featured prominently, generally wreaking havoc and looking all-powerful.
We also get a couple sweet sneak peeks of Olivia Munn as Psylocke cutting things up, and Jennifer Lawrence’s Raven seems to be rallying the troops against Apocalypse—until he’s choking her out effortlessly. X-Men films haven’t been afraid to kill off major characters in the past, and this is said to be J-Law’s last film in the franchise, so we’re a little worried for Raven.
X-Men: Apocalypse hits theaters on May 27.
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