Second Sin City: A Dame to Kill For Trailer Triples Up on Revenge

Sin City: A Dame to Kill For will drop crowds back to Basin City’s mostly black-and-white world filled with strippers, crooks, cops, hit-men and just about any other seedy character Frank Miller could dream up.
Fans of the first film know that Sin City does not follow the graphic novel’s traditional storyline, but for the second installment, the plot will take from a couple of Miller’s classic tales and weave in a new story that brings back classic characters.
The ‘Dame” referenced in the title is the ex-girlfriend of Dwight (Josh Brolin), who finds himself seeking revenge on his former lover after she betrayed him. As far as the two new stories, one follows a new character named Johnny (Joseph Gordon-Levitt), and the other finds Nancy Callahan (Jessica Alba) struggling with the events of losing Hartigan (Bruce Willis). Of course, Marv will make his rough, welcome return in the film.
Watch the trailer above. Sin City: A Dame to Kill For is set for an Aug. 22 release.