A British Lighting Technician Strike Could Delay Star Wars Ep. 8

British lighting technicians are currently threatening to go on strike because they haven’t gotten a pay raise in four years, in a labor dispute that could have big ramifications for Hollywood. The producers of nine big-budget American films that are due to begin filming in the next few months are rushing to settle a deal, and the potentially affected films include Star Wars Ep. 8, in addition to others such as Wonder Woman, The Foreigner and The Mummy. Cinemablend claims the lighting technicians are seeking a 5-8.5% raise and are essentially threatening to hold production hostage if an agreement can’t be reached.

This issue coincides with a productive period for the British film industry, thanks to how many Hollywood productions have been filmed there in the last few years. The deal set by the producers will be passed to the 600 members of the union, who will vote on whether to accept it or not. If the deal is accepted, then production for the nine films including Star Wars: Episode VIII will move forward.

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