Updated: Nielsen Reveals a Netflix Original Show’s Viewership Numbers for the First Time Ever
Images via NetflixTV ratings company Nielsen has revealed the viewership numbers of one of Netflix’s shows for the first time ever, namely, Orange is the New Black. Lionsgate, the studio behind the show, gave Nielsen permission to publicly announce that 6.7 million people watched the premiere of Orange is the New Black season four in the first three days it was available, Variety reports.
Additionally, 5.9 million watched the second episode in the same time period. This was compared against the highest-rated cable show that week, Game of Thrones, which had 10.4 million viewers for that week’s episode, “Battle of the Bastards.” While Game of Thrones may have achieved a larger viewership, these are both massive audiences. Furthermore, Orange is the New Black costs significantly less to make than Game of Thrones.
Per The Hollywood Reporter, “all studios with streaming originals were given the chance to opt-in to Nielsen’s new streaming measurements, which allow the company to track viewership with codes in the programming.” Netflix has not confirmed Nielsen’s ratings information.
(Note: A previous version of this article attributed the release of viewership numbers to Netflix itself, rather than Nielsen and Lionsgate.)