The Funniest Tweets about Trump’s Impeachment

The Funniest Tweets about Trump’s Impeachment

So it looks like we’re finally gonna impeach this guy. Rad. We haven’t had a good, old-fashioned impeachment in nigh on 22 years now, so there’s an entire generation of adults who don’t know what this whole rigmarole is about. Get ready to see the governmental wheels get even slower and creakier than you thought possible. This one will be different than the Clinton farrago, though, what with the rise of bot- and troll-infused social media and the fact that the blindly pro-Trump partisans in the right-wing media will no doubt be defending their dude with extreme fervor. You might think you’re gonna enjoy Trump getting impeached but holy shit the next few months are gonna be even more interminable than they already would’ve been. Just go ahead and delete Twitter now, or even just toss your phone into the ocean. Before you do that though take a look at all these tweets about impeachment. Some of them are pretty funny. If you like one of ‘em give back and follow the person what wrote it. And once we’re all done reading these tweets let’s collectively Rip Van Winkle the shit out of this mess and hopefully wake up in a better, healthier world where the climate crisis has been solved and Trump is just a black stain in our past.

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