Watch Stephen Colbert Dissect President Trump’s Congressional Address

Watch Stephen Colbert Dissect President Trump’s Congressional Address

Last night, President Trump gave his first Congressional speech, laying out just exactly how he plans to tackle policies, and urging Congress to quell “trivial fights” and focus on helping ordinary Americans. While everyone and their brother has something to say about the speech, Stephen Colbert expertly laid it out for us in his opening monologue from last night’s Late Show.

Colbert started off by clarifying that this wasn’t a State of the Union speech because, “I think in this timeline, the Confederacy won … We gotta get back to the interdimensional portal as quick as we can.” Guns blazing, right out the gate, like only Colbert can. He moved on to point out that “the female members of the House Democratic Caucus all wore white in honor of women’s suffrage. And the Republicans were white in honor of who elected them.” And then we got a big ridiculous moment where the President arrived through a door in the back of the room, announced by the stern-faced ringleader of this crazy circus. Colbert quipped, “Any chance there’s a mistake and Moonlight is the president?” He came through, violently shaking hands, “so many handshakes, such little hands.” Colbert went on to rip into the hopeful speech, dissecting it piece by piece, with a pretty great little Nancy Pelosi bit towards the middle. It’s a great takedown that provides some sound insight into the night.

Check out the segment above. You can also find Paste’s take on the praise of Trump’s speech here, and a fun little gallery of food that looks like Trump here.

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