Listen People: Readable Rock ‘n’ Roll Criticism

This article originally appeared in issue two of Crawdaddy Magazine in Feb. 1966

This is the second issue of Crawdaddy!, and, as is inevitably the case with second issues, it has been hell on wheels to put out. No new 45s or LPs have arrived since the last issue, partly due to the inefficiency of the U.S. Post Office. That slowed me down a little & and meanwhile my mimeographer has gone to Mexico. I found a student here to do the job, but I couldn’t find any 24-lb. mimeo paper anywhere within ten miles, which means this may not be the most beautiful issue of Crawdaddy! you’ll ever eagerly peruse. Of course, as soon as you get around to sending us some advertising (and a little money) CD will be printed on an offset press.

If you’re still with me, Crawdaddy! continues to be a magazine of readable rock ‘n’ roll criticism. This issue is, again, all record reviews; in the very near future the fare will be varied with items like a discussion of “Folk, Flock, and Other Four-Letter Words”; a critical analysis of what is so good about Rubber Soul; a look at the sociological implications of recent songs in the vein of “5 O’CIock World” and “Sounds of Silence”; critiques of the new Ramsey Lewis LP by both a jazz critic and a rock critic; and anything else we can dig up that’s interesting and fun.

“Sheet is a gas! Keep it coming!” (Dick Starr, WFUN, Miami) is the sort of encouragement that makes putting out Crawdaddy! possible. If you haven’t responded (and chances are you haven‘t), we desperately need kind words, material, new records, and money for advertisements and subscriptions.

Plugs: the Swarthmore Flock & Roll Festival will happen on Friday & Saturday, March 4th and 5th, the first anywhere and an exciting example of the inroads r ‘n’ r is finally beginning to make onto college campuses. The Blues Project and the Myddle Class will be here, among others, and things will be happening all weekend; hopefully, the upshot of the whole thing will be a tradition like the folk festival tradition, which started at Swarthmore a dozen years ago. Also, Sounds magazine, which I used to be a columnist of, may be of much interest to you; It concerns “folk-country-blues-rock-pop-jazz-comedy” and appears sort of maybe biweekly from 428 W. Deming Place, Chicago, Illinois 60614. That does it for the moment; chaos reigns here. Mostly what you should keep in mind is that we’re on the brink—good things will happen to Crawdaddy! if you help them to happen. Thanks…

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