The Best Hangover Cures, Chosen By 11 Musicians

It’s the day after Memorial Day. For many of you, that means yesterday was filled with grilling out, good food and, well, maybe you poured a glass or two more than you’d hoped.

But relax, try not to lose your late-night munchies at work just yet. We talked to a few musicians, who are experts on the subject just by the sheer nature of their career choice.

Check out some of the advice below, and let us know if you feel better.

1. Brad Weber (Pick A Piper/Caribou)
What’s the best hangover cure?
Does force feeding myself 3 pints of water before bed count? Otherwise it’s loads of ginger tea, but usually ibuprofen!

How did you discover/perfect it?
 I guess being a teenager? I think I just consume too much ginger and assume it cures everything.

What kind of night is this most useful after?
Beer—>liquor—>beer—>shots. Actually it’s the shots that always destroy me at the night of the night. I really hate them. But someone always has to crack out a round and force you to join in!

BP2 credit Jason Quigley.jpg
2. Black Prairie
What’s the best hangover cure?
Chris Funk:  Handfuls of blueberries, coconut water, 3 Advil and a Bloody Marry.
Annalisa Tornfelt: Synchronized swimming.

How did you discover/perfect it?
Chris Funk: Loads of touring.
Annalisa Tornfelt: Hours of practicing at the hotel swimming pool.

What kind of night is this most useful after?
Chris Funk: Well, a night of mixing every color of the rainbow of drinks of course.
Annalisa Tornfelt: Scarf dancing. 

3. Dana Falconberry
What’s the best hangover cure?
Morning Pickles! (abbreviated: Mornin’ Picks!)

How did you discover/perfect it?
We had a pretty wild night in Marfa, Texas, after playing the El Cosmico festival. We woke blinded by the desert sun and somehow stumbled to a food cart somewhere in town to have a band meeting with our manager. Our brains were mush, of course, and we couldn’t even open our eyes let alone offer opinions on future touring strategies and whatnot. But then! Someone ordered a sandwich that came with a pickle! Karla (keys, vocals) took a bite of the pickle and immediately felt better! She passed it to Chris (bass, melodica) who took a bite and proceeded to feel better too! We passed it around and had a very coherent and productive meeting. Mornin’ Picks! Since then we have kept a jar in the van cooler for such emergencies.

What kind of night is this most useful after?
?The kind where you drive 10 hours through a rainstorm and then end up in the middle of the West Texas desert and play a show with Robert Plant in the audience (wha??) and then all the tacos backstage have been eaten so you have wine for dinner and then your friends are playing music so you steal someone’s sombrero and dance with strangers and find yourself repeatedly face-first in the mud which is apparently super fun to Drunken You while some of your band mates are naked in hot tubs and eating duck legs in the middle of the festival and the others have set up camp in a teepee offering free relationship advice to a line of festival-goers who leave the teepee in tears and then the sombrero dude finds you and steals his hat back and then after the late-night howl-at-the-moon session you all make it back to your hotel somehow (thanks for the ride Jack) and there is magically a bag of tortilla chips and some salsa in the van that you open with the hunger of a thousand men and eat one chip and then pass out. Mornin’ Picks!

4. Big Deal
What’s the best hangover cure?
We are big believers in ‘the hair of the dog’. There is no  cure for a hangover. You’ve gone too far and you can’t go back, so you just go further. We are both total wimps when it comes to ‘the fear’ so we tend not to drink so much. 

How did you discover/perfect it?
I don’t know that such an endeavour could ever be perfected, but the bloody mary seems to be the winner thus far. We can’t claim discovery for this either, but we aim to put our stamp on it. 

What kind of night is this most useful after?
Most nights.  

5. Josh Krajcik
What’s the best hangover cure?
The best thing to do is sleep in. But in some cases the hair of the dog that bit you is best. A gin fizz is great. You get protein from the egg white and its delicious.

How did you discover/perfect it?
My buddy, Mitch, and I have been experimenting on this very subject for years. I think its safe to say we have it down.

What kind of night is this most useful after?
Well having a hair of the dog is not something you wanna make a habit of, but is useful after big celebrations like weddings, bachelor parties, or New Year’s Eve. And effective.


Feeling hungover? Relax, and try not to lose your late-night munchies at work just yet. We talked to a few musicians, who are experts on the subject just by the sheer nature of their career choice. Check out some of the advice below, and let us know if you feel better.

6. David Berkeley
What’s the best hangover cure?
A screaming child.

How did you discover/perfect it?
It’s not really something you perfect. I discovered it for the first time six years ago. I think this cure works quicker if you didn’t know up until that moment in time that you had a child. That wasn’t the case for me, however, so I’m just speculating. Still depending on the night, you do forget at times and so when the morning comes, and with it the yelling, it can be quite a shock.

What kind of night is this most useful after?
Unfortunately it’s equally effective, though that might not be the word I’d choose, after any and all nights. 

The Fire in My Head will be released on vinyl July 9th. Pre-orderering will open soon here.

7. Sasha Dobson
Sasha’s new album Aquarius will be out June 18. She’s also a member of Norah Jones’ band.?

What’s the best hangover cure?
?I super HATE feeling hungover. Feeling shitty taught me to think ahead if I am drinking. If i wake up hungover, I make wicked strong drip coffee (San Francisco style), drink a ton of water, get lots of fresh air, force myself to exercise. Also, eating on the heavier side helps.  

How did you discover/perfect it?
Yoga had a major influence on my ability to use restraint. Also to think ahead. The closer I am with my body, the harder I feel when I  abuse it. So…I lay off that shit. Being 30-something rules.  

What kind of night is this most useful after?
If it goes down too easy, it’s generally at a holiday party or if a butt-load of musicians happen to come to one of my gigs. Cats love the night :). Time flies at night. But morning is relentless and so is feeling glad.

8. Moreland & Arbuckle
7 Cities will be released July 30 on Concord/Telarc

What’s the best hangover cure?
Dustin Arbuckle: Gatorade and Ibuprofen immediately after waking up, followed by “The Beacon Traditional” breakfast from the Beacon Restaurant in Wichita. Of
course, if I don’t wake up ‘til the afternoon, a big, greasy bacon cheeseburger is the way to go. And water. Lots and lots of water.
Aaron Moreland:  Quitting drinking was the best cure for me. Although, certain herbal remedies worked well when i was drinking!  

How did you discover/perfect it?
Dustin Arbuckle:  Honestly, I’m not a huge drinker, so I don’t have to deal with a
hangover very often. The idea of a big, heavy meal to soak up all the
alcohol left in the system came from good friends who had more knowledge
of the subject than me.
Aaron Moreland: Once, after getting so shitfaced, I left all my guitar and amps in the driveway overnight. It seemed time to throw in the towel on this drinking thing. 

What kind of night is this most useful after?
Dustin Arbuckle: The kind of night where you spend several hours drinking double White Russians, then inexplicably decide that doing a couple of quick Jameson shots at last call is a good idea.
Aaron Moreland: Drinking like a madman!

9. Bentcousin
What’s the best hangover cure?
Pat Innit: Buying a doner meat and chips after the night, and leaving it in the living room, a good sniff of the festering concoction and a stale chip for breakfast. followed by 3 litres of orange lucozade (the orange nectar).
Amelia Innit: Cornflakes and a cup of tea before bed. Basically after-party breakfast followed by a chocolate bar.

How did you discover/perfect it? 
Pat Innit: When LIDL was offering a litre of the orange nectar for a pound, I bought three.
Amelia Innit: Had no money for chips and nothing else in the house.

What kind of night is this most useful after?
Pat Innit: One when you have done a lot of disco dancing or grindy grindy dancing, and need to replace the fluid lost through perspiration, you don’t want to dry out now, do you?
Amelia Innit: Gigs, clubs and all parties except mass.

10. Grant Olney
What’s the best hangover cure?
IRN BRU. The (other) national drink of Scotland.

How did you discover/perfect it?
I moved to Edinburgh in my early 20s and some kind locals let me in on the secret.
I’ve never found another hangover cure that comes close!

What kind of night is this most useful after?
Even the roughest. An IRN BRU in the morning fixes everything.

11. Penn Sultan (Last Good Tooth)
What’s the best hangover cure?
First thing is to down a pot of coffee all to ones self as quickly as possible—pretend it’s water. Once your heart starts beating like tired pugs breathing—call an ex girlfriend. If she doesn’t pick up—go look at yourself in the mirror till your face no longer makes any sense. Then I always find it best to Google diseases you think you have. If you have no Internet, a healthy alternative is making a list of things you’ve been meaning to do, then don’t to them. Throw the list away and repeat.

How did you discover/perfect it?
From my cousin Teetroy.

What kind of night is this most useful after?
This only works on days where you’re already late for something extremely important.

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