The Blade Runner 2049 Trailer Tease is Unsurprisingly Moody

The Blade Runner 2049 Trailer Tease is Unsurprisingly Moody

Denis Villeneuve is looking to make a triumphant case for his Dune adaptation with Blade Runner 2049. Today, as it is the year of our Lord, we’ve received a gracious gift in the form of a teaser for a new trailer for Villeneuve’s forthcoming Blade Runner sequel.

There’s next to nothing here, plot-wise. Robin Wright gets to say a few ominous words like, “We keep order,” and Ryan Gosling is literally drenched in sweet, sweet neon. Also, Harrison Ford has turned into some kind of abandoned mansion-dwelling hermit. It’s probably safe to assume that we’ll get a little more in the way of plot when we get the film’s full trailer on Monday. Until then, just soak up the mood in this little teaser. Because there’s more than enough mood to go around.

Blade Runner 2049 comes to theaters on Oct. 6, and it can’t get here soon enough. Check out the trailer tease above, revisit the first footage from the film here and stay tuned for Monday’s trailer.

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