Watch the Batshit Crazy Trailer for Swiss Army Man, Starring Daniel Radcliffe as a Corpse

Swiss Army Man was probably the weirdest film we saw at this year’s Sundance Film Festival, but it also cracked our Top 20 list of the fest’s finest. Now, the movie about one man using a dead guy’s pseudo-magical abilities to survive is coming to theaters in June, with distribution by A24.
The “corpse comedy” stars Paul Dano as Hank, a man stranded on an island who’s about to commit suicide when a dead body, played by Daniel Radcliffe, washes up on the beach. He’s really only dead in a Weekend at Bernie’s sense, though, and his signs of life become tools for Hank’s survival: his farts become a motor, his erections become a compass, he’s able to karate chop logs in half. It’s bizarre as hell, but we wouldn’t expect anything less from DANIELS, the directorial duo behind the film, as well as the music video for “Turn Down For What.”
Swiss Army Man is due in theaters on Jun. 17.