Killer in I Know What You Did Last Summer DM’d Ryan Phillippe in Character

Killer in I Know What You Did Last Summer DM’d Ryan Phillippe in Character

Ryan Phillippe has had a prolific acting career since his role as the rude-but-likable Barry William Cox in I Know What You Did Last Summer put him on the map in 1997. With the release of Wish Upon on July 13, he’ll be returning to his horror roots, but just a couple of weeks before the film’s premiere, Phillippe’s original slasher killer decided to make a reappearance in the actor’s life in the strangest way possible.

Muse Watson, who played the fishhook killer by the name of Benjamin Willis in I Know What You Did Last Summer, direct messaged Phillippe on Twitter recently and really gave him a scare. “Actually, he texted me, the guy who played the fisherman killer, he texted me on the Fourth of July. Or no, he DM’d me on Twitter, and I found it really weird and creepy,” Phillippe told HuffPo. “I think he wrote something creepy, like, ‘Hello, old friend.’ He was in character.”

Though this is a spooky joke, especially considering the bloody fate of Phillippe’s character in the film, Phillippe seems to enjoy the environment that accompanies a horror movie: “One of the things that drew me to [Wish Upon] is as I was reading [the script], it felt a lot like the movies I went up for as a teenager, and it felt a lot like the movies from that era. There was just something really appealing about it being this popcorn movie with a great concept at the heart of it.” Phillippe also touched on how the tones of I Know What You Did Last Summer and Scream are similar to that of Wish Upon: “Our movie is scary and is a thriller, but it’s not gore, you know? And those movies weren’t either. A lot of the worst stuff sort of happens off screen in some way.”

Watch the entire interview, also featuring Joey King and Mitchell Slaggert, below. Phillippe talks about Muse’s creepy DM around the 13:06 mark.

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