Modest Mouse Frontman Isaac Brock Sued Over 2016 Car Wreck
Photo by Ilya S. Savenok/Getty
On Aug. 3, 2016, Isaac Brock fell asleep at the wheel and crashed into a city of Portland pickup truck, causing a pileup of multiple cars. He faced minimal repercussions at the time of the accident—he had to pay a $435 fine for careless driving—but now, he’s being sued over it.
City employee Cassidy Lane is seeking over $865,000 in damages after the accident caused herniated disks in her spine, along with other tissue and muscle damage, causing her prolonged pain and numbness in her extremities. Her injuries will require steroid injections, and she may need surgery, per Oregon Live.
The wreck happened when Brock failed to stop as he approached traffic near Morrison Bridge in Portland. He hit the truck, which hit a Subaru, which hit another Subaru. One more car may have been hit, but it left the scene, perhaps without knowing a car had come into contact with it. At the time, Brock was evaluated for signs of intoxication, but officials detected no signs that he was impaired.