The Waifs – A Brief History … Live
The photo gracing the cover of this two-disc set is apparently a relic from the Australian trio’s early days. It features the band stretched out in microbus sleeping quarters, scruffy and gaunt: an image that betrays a decidedly crunchy and patchouli-scented aesthetic still lingering about its live set. That’s not to say Josh Cunningham and sisters Donna and Vicki Simpson aren’t consummate professionals. Their triple guitar interplay is bracing and often gorgeous, providing an excellent setting for throaty, passionate vocals and sweet harmonies. Moreover, they clearly know how to please their fans, interspersing heartfelt performances of their back catalog with disarming humor and playful banter. Indeed, it’s the welcoming family vibe that causes the proceedings to succeed so winningly. So while they can come off a bit too precious—as on “London Still” and the self-celebratory title track—even the most hardened cynics might find themselves singing along with the enthusiastic crowd.