Donald Trump Racks Up a Whopping Zero Major Newspaper Endorsements
Photo courtesy of GettyFor the first time in American history, a major party nominee for president of the United States has made it to early October with zero major newspaper endorsements. I just used “major” twice, which is why it now pains me to use its antonym—sadly, based on the anti-media, anti-reading tendencies of his voters, this is probably very minor news as far as the actual vote count is concerned.
Or maybe it will. Yahoo, at least, dug up an expert who says the anti-Trump sentiment might matter:
“It’s significant,” Jack Pitney, professor of government at California’s Claremont McKenna College, told TheWrap. “The cumulative effect of all these defections could have an impact on moderate Republicans.”
Still, I can’t help but think that the biggest effect will be on the newspapers themselves, who are already losing subscribers and receiving death threats.
Among the papers breaking ranks are the San Diego Union-Tribune (no Democrat endorsement in its 148-year history), the Arizona Republic (none since 1890), the Dallas Morning News, and the Cincinnati Enquirer.
To read our parody of a generic Republican newspaper endorsing a Democrat for the first time in eleventy years, click here.