Elizabeth Warren Warns Against Potential Kid Rock Senate Run
Photo by Alex Wong/Getty
Though Kid Rock’s bid for a Michigan senate seat is more than likely a ploy to promote his music, Senator Elizabeth Warren isn’t taking any chances. As the Boston Herald reports, an email blast Warren sent out with the subject line “Kid Rock (R-MI)” warns of the potential dangers of the musician’s run for senate.
“I know a lot of people are thinking: this is some sort of joke, right?” she wrote in the email. “Well, maybe this is all a joke — but we all thought Donald Trump was joking when he rode down the escalator at Trump Tower and announced his campaign, too.”
We’re with Warren on this one. As our last presidential election made obvious, anything is possible, no matter how offensive or unqualified a candidate is for the position they’re running for. If Kid Rock is actually up for election, he’ll be running against democratic incumbent Debbie Stabenow, whose competence and experience, like Hillary Clinton, might be used against her.
If you, like most, have forgotten who Kid Rock is, here’s a little update: he was one of Trump’s most vocal celebrity supporters and made these super gross t-shirts after Trump’s election. He’s the grossest of the gross, and, unfortunately, that might make him electable. Heed Warren’s warning: don’t take his announcement for granted.