Melania Trump, Speaking at the RNC, Plagiarized Michelle Obama’s 2008 DNC Speech
Well, this is hysterical. Showing her husband’s nose for controversy, Melania Trump seems to have plagiarized large parts of Michelle Obama’s 2008 speech at the Democratic National Convention in her own speech to the Republican convention Monday night. Journalist Jarrett Hill tweeted out the relevant theft:
CORRECTION: Melania stole a whole graph from Michelle’s speech. #GOPConvention
WATCH:— Jarrett Hill (@JarrettHill) July 19, 2016
There can be no doubt that the text Hill highlights comes from the future first lady’s speech at the ’08 DNC. Melania—or her writers—apparently decided that if it worked for Michelle, it would work for them just as well Monday night. Check out the blatant rip-off, starting at the 2:04 mark of the video below:
The only other explanation is that the first lady is a time lord who traveled to the future to steal Melania’s speech for herself—which I’m pretty sure everyone in that convention hall in Cleveland will believe by tomorrow night.
Here’s an even better look at a side-by-side comparison:
The similarities between Michelle Obama’s 2008 DNC speech & Melania Trump’s #RNCinCLE. First noticed by
— Javier Panzar (@jpanzar) July 19, 2016
Anndddddd UPDATE, here’s side-by-side video:
I taught speech for ten years. Even my worst students would not have done this:
— Timothy Burke (@bubbaprog) July 19, 2016
Earlier in the speech, in what is now just an unfortunate footnote, Trump managed to rickroll the entire crowd:
But to reiterate (and to paraphrase @tvoti), the real speechwriter’s scandal here is this ACTUAL RICKROLL?!?!?!?
— mr. sonia (@soniasaraiya) July 19, 2016