YouTube Declares Anti-Gay Harassment Is A-OK on Its Platform. Happy Pride Month, Everybody!

YouTube Declares Anti-Gay Harassment Is A-OK on Its Platform. Happy Pride Month, Everybody!

YouTube announced that they will not remove videos uploaded to their platform that contain anti-gay harassment in a tweet on Tuesday, following a Vox journalist’s viral accusation against conservative pundit Steven Crowder.

Crowder, on his YouTube show “Louder with Crowder,” has called Carlos Maza, a gay, latino Vox journalist, a “little queer,” “Mr. Lispy Queer,” “gay Vox sprite,” and “t*****.” Maza took to Twitter to express his frustration with YouTube’s continued silence on the matter, explaining:

Maza also noted that YouTube has “explicit policies against harassment and bullying.” Maza, in a long thread, also notes that Crowder’s supporters have published Maza’s personal information, including his phone number, online, and have barraged him with “hundreds of” spam texts.

Tuesday, YouTube officially weighed in on the matter.

YouTube explained in a statement on Twitter that ”[o]pinions can be deeply offensive, but if they don’t violate our policies, they’ll remain on our site.” They also stressed that their investigation isn’t closed, because there are “other aspects of the channel that we’re still evaluating.”

Anti-reactionary YouTuber Shaun pointed out on Twitter that YouTube’s decision seems to contradict their own harassment policy.

YouTube has had a contentious relationship with its LGBTQ creators in the past. Last year, YouTube age-restricted a music video by Korea’s first openly gay pop idol for a scene in which he kisses his boyfriend. Other LGBTQ creators have accused YouTube of flagging their content as “potentially inappropriate” for mentioning the word “gay” or “lesbian” in their titles. In addition, trans creators have alleged that YouTube of demonetizing their videos—running no ads in front of them and, therefore, not earning any revenue—for putting the words “transgender” or “LGBT” in the titles of their videos.

YouTube denied both claims at the time.

In the meanwhile, Crowder uploaded satirical apology video where he doubled down on his harassment of Maza. He capped off the video with a long list of slurs apparently directed at Maza — “Homo, colored, f**, t****,” he listed.

UPDATE: YouTube has demonetized, but not suspended, Crowder’s channel.

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