Check Out These Chilling New Alien: Covenant TV Spots

Movies Video Alien Covenant
Check Out These Chilling New Alien: Covenant TV Spots

While the hype machine continues to ruin movies that could be good, Alien: Covenant is benefiting greatly from its textured, horrific trailers. We now have a little bit of extra footage that raises questions about the planet they’ve landed on.

There’s a couple of really freaky moments here, but the most horrifying is likely a giant field of what looks like burnt, human-shaped corpses. It’s not likely that they’re human corpses, so is it safe to assume that these are dead Engineers? What happened, and why are there so many of them?

We’re assuming all will be revealed on May 19 when Alien: Covenant comes creeping into theaters. Check out the film’s new TV spots above and below, and find previous promos here.

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