The Funniest Tweets About Kanye West’s Embarrassing Foray Into Politics

The Funniest Tweets About Kanye West’s Embarrassing Foray Into Politics

Kanye West is getting political, everyone. Since his return to Twitter, he has been on an absolute tear, and he set the medium alight on Saturday with this tweet:

Candace Owens is a “conservative commentator” whose career focus is promoting right-wing ideology to a black audience. She writes columns like this one, claiming that police shootings of black men have nothing to do with racism. Basically, she’s an opportunist who has used conservatives’ desperate desire for any minority representation to forge a career for herself, and now she’s been endorsed by Kanye. But he wasn’t stopping there—he went on to tweet nonsense like this after people criticized him:

This, of course, is a classic alt-right response to criticism—the fact that other people make fun of me or take me to task for dumb opinions means I’m being censored! (You won’t be surprised to learn that such luminaries as Infowars’ Alex Jones love him now.)

Finally, on Monday, Kanye completed his transition to MAGA Twitter weirdo by flooding his timeline with videos by conservative huckster and Dilbert creator Scott Adams. Here’s one example:

If you like Kanye, this all sucks. Luckily, a bunch of people made fun of him. In the absence of further analysis regarding a dumb celebrity getting duped by Red Pill Twitter, I turn you over to them. Please enjoy:

Lastly, these two aren’t necessarily funny, just super, super accurate:

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