Aziz Ansari Accused of Sexual Misconduct (Updated)
Photo courtesy of Getty Images
Update: Aziz Ansari has responded to the allegations against him in a statement released by his rep on Sunday. Per THR, Ansari’s response reads:
In September of last year, I met a woman at a party. We exchanged numbers. We texted back and forth and eventually went on a date. We went out to dinner, and afterwards we ended up engaging in sexual activity, which by all indications was completely consensual.
The next day, I got a text from her saying that although “it may have seemed okay,” upon further reflection, she felt uncomfortable. It was true that everything did seem okay to me, so when I heard that it was not the case for her, I was surprised and concerned. I took her words to heart and responded privately after taking the time to process what she had said.
I continue to support the movement that is happening in our culture. It is necessary and long overdue.
Original Story: It’s a new year but the men are still dogs. reports accusations from a photographer identified as “Grace” that the Master of None and Parks & Recreation star Aziz Ansari forced himself on her after a date in 2017.
According to Grace, Ansari rushed her through a dinner before taking her back to his apartment, where he aggressively made out with and undressed her while trying to coerce her into sex despite her “physically giving off cues that [she] wasn’t interested.”
Babe quotes Grace as saying that her experience “was 30 minutes of me getting up and moving and him following and sticking his fingers down my throat again. It was really repetitive. It felt like a fucking game.”
Grace tells Babe that she verbally and non-verbally tried to tell Ansari that she wasn’t comfortable with his actions, but that he either didn’t pick up on that or chose to ignore it. Eventually, when he asked her “where do you want me to fuck you,” she told him she wasn’t interested that night, and later told him she didn’t want to feel like she was being forced into having sex with him.
At that point Ansari seemed to respect her boundaries, saying they could just relax on his couch. Grace alleges that almost immediately after that Ansari pressured her to perform oral sex upon him, which then allegedly escalated again into him trying to have full penetrative sex with her. Grace says she refused again, at which point they both got dressed and started watching TV. Shortly thereafter, she says, Ansari started kissing her again and trying to take off her pants, at which point she left the couch and went to call herself a car. She says Ansari called her an Uber himself, and she cried the whole way home.
For full details, read Babe’s report. Babe also shared a text that Grace says she sent to Ansari the next day, where she clearly explained to him that he was ignoring her cues and forcing himself upon her.
This is the text Grace* sent Aziz Ansari after their date which left her feeling “violated”. She tells Ansari how uncomfortable he made her feel, saying “you ignored clear non-verbal cues” and “kept going with advances.”
Read the full story on
— babe (@babedotnet) January 14, 2018
Babe reached out to Ansari’s representation, and as of now they have yet to respond.