David Cross is Donating 100 Percent of Sales of His Latest Stand-Up CD to the ACLU

During his Netflix special Making America Great Again, which was filmed in April, David Cross jokes about wanting Donald Trump to be the Republican presidential candidate. Thanks to the joy-crushing reality of Nov. 8, Cross no longer finds that joke funny, and now he’s going to do something about it.

Cross announced last week that until Dec. 26, 100 percent of the money from the sale of his stand-up CD …America…Great… will go to the American Civil Liberties Union, an organization that Cross believes is “going to need our support now more than ever.”

Cross emphasizes that he doesn’t mean just the profits will be donated—he means the entire amount of the sale. “So if you buy a $25 or a $10 CD, I’m going to give the ACLU all $25 or $10 of that, respectively (and respectfully),” he says. And that’s not all. He also says, “And since you all know that I’m a New York Hollywood liberal atheist Jew, I am going to also match all of this myself 100 percent. So if we raise $5,000 on these CDs, I’m donating $5,000 more of my own money for a total of $10,000.”

If you’ve ever watched Cross’ stand-up, you know how passionate he gets, but just in case, he lays out how important he sees these donations as being:

I really believe in America and thus, believe that we can get through this. But it’s going to be a nasty next few years to say the least. And we have to look out for each other- particularly those who can’t look out for themselves or who are at the highest risk for the kinds of awfulness we’ve gotten just a small taste of so far these past couple of weeks. The ACLU is a service that is going to be needed by so many very, very soon. Muslims, the LGBT community, Hispanics, Asians, Jews, journalists, women, Sikhs, Native Americans, African Americans, the list goes on and on unfortunately. And to be sure, it’s not just the above that will be needing the ACLU’s help, it’s also anyone seen supporting these folks with love, respect, and tolerance.

You can read Cross’s whole statement here, and buy …America…Great… on his website here.

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