The Funniest Tweets about the Game of Thrones Finale

The Funniest Tweets about the Game of Thrones Finale

Yeah, expect some spoilers below, so stay away if that bugs you.

Game of Thrones is officially over, and I’m sure it’s a huge bummer for fans. I checked out of this show during the second season, but anybody who’s ever loved a TV show before knows how much it can hurt to see it go. I still remember how long and hard I cried when NBC cancelled The Single Guy, the unsung MVP of the classic Must See TV lineup. There’ll be more TV to fall in love with in the future—The Righteous Gemstones is just a few months away—and HBO is determined to bring more shenanigans in Westeros our way, but it’s unmistakable that tonight we all had to say goodbye to a hallowed little corner of pop culture, and, indeed, to a tiny bit of ourselves, as well. Except for people who didn’t watch this show—we’re just glad we won’t have to see it take over Twitter every single Sunday night. (Seriously, I don’t think Brock Lesnar even hit the top ten tonight, despite his shocking run-in at Money in the Bank.)

Okay, now that I’ve hit the minimum number of words that I’ve arbitrarily set for myself with tweet gallery intros like this, let’s get to the reason you clicked on this thing. You want to see the tweets about the show that you just laid to rest. There were a ton of ‘em—they’re still flowing out, even, with the show just now starting on the West Coast—and here are the best ones I’ve been able to find. Laugh it up and make sure to follow everybody who wrote one and then go out and find a new show to turn into a pop culture phenomenon so we can keep pulling in easy traffic with posts like this one.

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