The Jim Gaffigan Show is Ending After Season Two

In an announcement posted to social media yesterday, Jim Gaffigan announced that his TV Land show is coming to an end. The show, which he co-created with his wife Jeannie Gaffigan, follows a fictional version of Gaffigan as he balances his family and stand-up career. This Sunday’s season finale will be the show’s final episode.

In the post, Gaffigan thanks TV Land and the show’s cast and crew. He explains the show’s abrupt ending, saying, “The time commitment to make the quality of show we wanted was taking us away from our most important project, our five children.” A few hours after the initial post, Gaffigan posted again, this time confirming that the show wasn’t canceled by TV Land, but that “Jeannie and I have decided to not continue doing the show.”

In a statement, TV Land said:

We are really proud of The Jim Gaffigan Show and the amazing comedy that Jim, Jeannie, the cast, the creative team and JAX Media have made for us. After two great seasons, we have mutually agreed to not move forward with season three of the series. We have an incredible amount of respect for everyone involved, and are grateful to them for bringing their passion and dedication to The Jim Gaffigan Show.

You can read Gaffigan’s full statements below.

A Message About The Jim Gaffigan Show

After months of discussion Jeannie and I have decided to make season 2 of The Jim Gaffigan Show the final season. We realize this may surprise some and we don’t make this decision lightly. It is hard to say goodbye to this highly personal passion project, which we have nurtured and poured our hearts into for over five years.

Jeannie and I are grateful that TVLand allowed us to do this show about our lives the way we wanted. It was empowering, exhilarating and exhausting. As many of you know all the episodes this season were written by Jeannie and me. Jeannie was the showrunner and I acted in virtually every scene. In one way it was a perfect scenario. We worked with an amazing cast and crew, learned tons and laughed so much. However the time commitment to make the quality of show we wanted was taking us away from our most important project, our five children.

We are truly grateful for all the support friends on social media and television critics have given The Jim Gaffigan Show. Jeannie and I are excited to move forward with other creative pursuits.

Jim and Jeannie Gaffigan

Just to clear up any miscommunication: The Jim Gaffigan was NOT canceled. Thanks for all the great comments and support. As I mentioned in my tweet Jeannie and I have decided to not continue doing the show. We thank TVland for everything.

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