Watch John Oliver Rail Against Gerrymandering, Become a Hero
Image via HBO/YouTube
Everyone needs a hero, whether it’s a super-strong man in blue spandex and a red cape or a late-night talk show host. Our current hero (Honestly, we’re picky, so it could change any minute—sorry, not sorry) is John Oliver. His power? Snarky sarcasm and a genuine love of the idea of democracy, which is why he’s so anti-gerrymandering.
Gerrymandering, known as the re-drawing of district lines to acquire as many votes as possible, has been morphed into a practice that acts as an exact science, “interestingly one of the few remaining types of science in which the Republican party currently believes.” Oliver delves deep here, in one of his better segments that goes back to the starting days of gerrymandering, amounting to not much more than a stupid dad joke. His hero moment comes at the end though, in a grandstanding proud-American speech that really is uplifting. And this guy’s British. He gets it.
Check out the full video embedded above.