Feast Your Eyes on the Expansion of the World-Building Rick and Morty “Rickstaverse”

Feast Your Eyes on the Expansion of the World-Building Rick and Morty “Rickstaverse”

Okay, we get it. We’re all dying for season three of Rick and Morty, especially after we all got disappointing news that the show would not be returning in March. Tom Petty has always said that waiting is the hardest part, and we’ll be the first to tell you that the esteemed Petty is, in fact, correct. We don’t have any season three news for you, but we do have a fun little expansion to the Rick and Morty “Rickstaverse” Instagram game.

Take a tour through the Rickstaverse, now hosted by Summer because, duh, Rick is still in space jail, with stops at Mr. Poopybutthole’s swanky crib, a vegan restaurant overrun by protesting vegetables, the Smith house (where things have gotten understandably weird and a little sad), Blurtfeed and much, much more. It’s a rabbit hole with lots of fun fan service, and a deep exploration of the Rick and Morty universe between seasons. Also, Mr. Poopybutthole has a pretty sweet message in regards to bashing the writers for not having season three done yet. Check it out and check yourself before you tweet, because it doesn’t help anyone.

Enter the Rick and Morty Rickstaverse here, and take a look at some fun fan art while we wait for season three here.

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