Sesame Street’s Gone to Seed in SNL‘s Joker-Style Movie about Oscar the Grouch

Sesame Street’s Gone to Seed in SNL‘s Joker-Style Movie about Oscar the Grouch

Who knew David Harbour would make such a perfect Oscar the Grouch? The star of Stranger Things hosted last night’s episode of Saturday Night Live, and the most popular sketch of the night was this parody of the Joker trailer. Instead of a failed comic turning into Batman’s future archrival, though, it’s a garbageman so disillusioned by the gritty, crime-infested Sesame Street that he movies into a trash can and starts calling himself the Grouch. This fantastically shot and acted video perfectly captures the look and feel of that Joker trailer, with Harbour one-upping Joaquin Phoenix in his portrayal of Oscar. You’ll also see cameos from other beloved Sesame Street favorites, including particularly frightening versions of Bert and Ernie. Whether you just think it’s funny to turn children’s characters into twisted, illicit reflections of themselves, or if you think the fad of grim and gritty reboots of comic book characters is laughably dumb, you’ll probably enjoy this clip from last night’s SNL.

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