Watch Seth Meyers Make the Case for Donald Trump’s “Linguistic Genius”

Comedy News Seth Meyers
Watch Seth Meyers Make the Case for Donald Trump’s “Linguistic Genius”

Credit where credit is due: Listening to Donald Trump say a sentence is never a dull experience. Seth Meyers recognized our big, being-impeached president’s singular gift for gibberish on Thursday night’s Late Night with Seth Meyers, opening his latest “Closer Look” with a tribute to the poetry that gushes from Trump’s irreparably broken brain. “Trump doesn’t make errors—he makes discoveries,” Meyers argues, citing examples like “lawmarkers,” “foistered” and “Ttump,” a jazzy new riff on the man’s own name he once tweeted.

Equally incoherent are GOP remoras like Lindsey Graham, who struggles with a couple of sentences of his own, as if in subconscious deference to his beloved, babbling president. In Sen. John Kennedy’s own words (aimed at Nancy Pelosi, who’s—at the very least—smart enough to be impeaching Ttump), “It must suck to be that dumb.” Being president is hard enough without having an “empty head cavern” beneath one’s physics-defying head of hair.

Watch Meyers wade through the muck (while also making some important points) below.

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