Watch Colbert Tackle the Affordable Care Act Replacement
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Last night on The Late Show, Stephen Colbert laid waste to the House Republicans’ Affordable Care Act replacement, labeling it as Obamacare Lite: “Great taste, less coverage.”
He tackles the bonkers new bill that managed to keep some good stuff like children staying on their parent’s plan until age 26, and includes over a tenth of the bill’s 66 pages devoted to denying Medicaid to lottery winners, to which Colbert said, “If anything, Trump should empathize with a bunch of people who were handed a bunch of money that they didn’t earn. He was born with a lotto ticket in his hand.” Well, this is the world we live in. There’s also a surprise, hilarious appearance from none other than Press Secretary Sean “Spicey” Spicer, comparing the size of the Democrat’s longer bill to Trump’s scant 66 pages. We cannot wait for Melissa McCarthy to come back as Spicey.
Check out the video embedded above. Also, check out Colbert’s interview with General Michael Hayden below about the alleged “CIA spying through our Samsung TVs” rumors.