DC Comics Finally Responds to Accusations of Employee Mistreatment
Images via DC ComicsIt’s time once again, boys and girls, to dive into the developing story that is DC Comics’ absurd mistreatment of its creative talent and seeming contempt for its ever-dwindling readership. For almost a month now, several comics journalists and creators have been flooding the internet with their frustration at DC’s gross mistreatment of its employees. Originally ignited by DC suddenly firing longtime Vertigo editor Shelly Bond, the conversation quickly evolved into full-scale criticism of DC’s tendency to silence and shun their female talent while failing to properly reprimand those accused of repeat sexual harassment in their camp, most vividly illustrated by the continued employment of Superman editor Eddie Berganza and the supposed “No Girls Allowed” rule imposed on the Superman office due to his behavior.
Naturally, the higher-ups at DC have done their best to avoid the conversation altogether. DC co-publisher Dan DiDio fled Twitter shortly after the public outcry surfaced, and Chief Creative Officer Geoff Johns remains steadfast in his commitment to talking about DC Rebirth and literally nothing else. But the controversy can only go unanswered for so long, and so DC Entertainment President Diane Nelson emerged from the void to quell the public bloodlust, releasing an in-depth, heartfelt reflection on the current state of their affairs, opening up in a desperate bid to rebuild some degree of trust with those who’ve stayed with them through all the—okay, okay, we kid. Here’s what it actually said:
DC Entertainment strives to foster a culture of inclusion, fairness and respect. While we cannot comment on specific personnel matters, DC takes allegations of discrimination and harassment very seriously, promptly investigates reports of misconduct and disciplines those who violate our standards and policies.
As part of our ongoing effort to provide an equitable working environment, we are reviewing our policies, expanding employee training on the topic and working with internal and external resources to ensure that these policies and procedures are respected and reinforced across the company.
Of course, DC’s evasion of public criticism is nothing new. But as more and more stories detailing the toxicity of their work environment bubble to the surface, fan discontent and distrust will keep eroding whatever part of their reader base doesn’t already feel completely abandoned. Whether or not DC’s abuse of creators and mishandling of employee misconduct continues, they’ll only find more scorn and resentment if they continue ignoring their own dirty laundry.