2024’s Most Bingeworthy Podcasts (So Far)

Media Lists Podcasts
2024’s Most Bingeworthy Podcasts (So Far)

It’s been a minute since I’ve written a recap because there hasn’t been a series that has really rocked my world—until now. Beyond All Repair will likely be at the top of the year-end lists so I’m calling it early. I haven’t been this excited about a podcast since I listened to the amazing Bone Valley (which is getting a season 2 by the way!) Also featured here, another installment of the classic true-crime series Up And Vanished and looks at our culture wars, the dark web, local and national politics and a revisit of a Spring Break Festival that’s getting renewed attention.

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Beyond All Repair

Beyond All Repair is hosted by WBUR Boston journalist Amory Sivertson (fun fact, she’s also a musician who performs the opening and closing music). She hears from Shane, a guy she did a story on in 2017. He tells her about his sister, Sophia, who was accused of murdering her mother-in-law. She wants to tell her side of the story and it spirals from there. Beyond All Repair takes you down WTF rabbit holes and it seems like everyone is willing to talk about the mysterious murder of Marlyne Johnson. Her super shady brother is involved and that’s a whole other bonkers side of the story. Sivertson does a great job remaining objective which is incredibly challenging when you don’t know who is telling the truth. I had no idea what I was getting into when it started and couldn’t stop binge listening. Being surprised is part of the fun. Smash that subscribe button now.

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