The Not-So-Big Question: When a Movie Breaks Your Heart…
We’ve all been there: Finally, there’s a serious effort to bring your favorite thing—be it book, videogame, gaming system, etc.—onto the Big Screen. There may be good money behind it. There may be great talent signed on for it. The trailer may even look perfect. And then the film comes out and you leave the theater a sadder, more cynical person. Because it’s not just that the movie sucked a bucket of bolts—you also know in doing so, it’s effectively guaranteed there will not be another effort made for years, if not decades. Sure, you rage. You post angry rants on message boards. Actual bile rises in the back of your throat when you run across even a mention of the film. But admit it—beneath the anger, there’s frustration and sorrow. There’s heartbreak. Something you loved has been despoiled and any chance of it being redeemed made a distant prospect. So, tell us…
What film version of a classic book, comic book or videogame straight out broke your heart?
Post your answer(s) in the comments below (with pictures, even). Come on … let it out. Maybe have a good cry. You’ll feel better.