Take a Look at the Next Kingsman Teaser, Ahead of the Full Trailer
Image via Twentieth Century Fox/YouTube
Anticipation is building greatly for Kingsman: The Golden Circle, especially after last week’s fascinating trailer tease. While we don’t yet have the full, regular-speed trailer for the film, there is a second new teaser to hold us over until the full trailer’s release.
This teaser is still relatively glorious in its own right, providing our first real look at Channing Tatum’s Statesman Agent Tequila in his rifle-swingin’, cowboy-hat-wearin’ grandeur. We also get to see Pedro Pascal’s Agent Whiskey crack a whip, Eggsy (Taron Egerton) getting fancy with the moves and the ladies, and Halle Berry looking as lovely as ever. Is this movie out yet? And if no, why not?
Kingsman: The Golden Circle hits theaters on Sept. 22. Check out the teaser embedded above, and stayed tuned for the full trailer.