Star Wars: The Last Jedi Gets Teaser Images, “Jedi” in Title Revealed As Plural

Star Wars: The Last Jedi Gets Teaser Images, “Jedi” in Title Revealed As Plural

There’s been more The Last Jedi news released. Have you felt it?

To start things off, we’ve got our first official image of the film’s trio of main characters, brought to you by John Boyega’s Twitter:

The above image was released upon the announcement of Force Friday II, “a global fan event celebrating the launch of Star Wars: The Last Jedi products” (which you can read more about here). September’s Star Wars toy boxes will be sporting the new image, though surely by then, there will have been many more images already released for fans to pore over.

The day before, in promotion of the upcoming Star Wars Celebration 2017, director Rian Johnson tweeted out a stormtrooper-packed picture that he later confirmed to have been taken on the set of Episode VIII:

That makes two images in a row that were only shared in promotion of later Star Wars promotions, in case you forgot that the sci-fi franchise’s main function has been to print money for parent company Disney.

Finally, this morning it was revealed that the “Jedi” in The Last Jedi is indeed plural, thanks to official translations of the title into languages with quantity and gender-distinguishing adjectives:

So, we can be sure now that the title isn’t only referring to Luke or Rey singularly, but likely them both … or more (we see you, Ben/Kylo).

We’re unlikely to find out much more until Star Wars Celebration rolls around in mid-April, when we can not only hopefully expect a trailer for The Last Jedi, but also more news on the currently-filming Han Solo prequel. Until then, little teases like these are pretty much all we can hope for. In the meantime, be sure to stay tuned to Paste for those tinier Star Wars updates.

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