Dinosaur Jr.: Farm

Dinosaur Jr.: Farm

When Dinosaur Jr. ended a long hiatus with 2007’s Beyond, it was a triumphant return. The only album that gives the band’s 1987 masterpiece, You’re Living All Over Me, a run for best-of-catalog status, Beyond signified a don’t-call-it-a-comeback kind of comeback. Indeed, J Mascis, Lou Barlow and Murph had been here for years, but they also hadn’t been working together for years. All of which amounts to some serious expectations for follow-up Farm. Unfortunately, the album buckles under the pressure. At times, Mascis and Co. sound perfectly at home amidst a wall of distortion (see the bouncy, hook-driven “I Want You to Know”). But for the most part, they sound exhausted; from the plodding chug of “Ocean in the Way” to the utter drag of “Said the People,” a strange sense of sedation weighs down what should’ve been an exhilarating ride. When Mascis sings, “Of all the people to let me down,” you might find yourself nodding in agreement.

Indie-rock vets sound strangely sedate
Listen to Dinosaur Jr. on MySpace.

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