Naked Blue Team Up with Author Lee Child for Jack Reacher-Inspired Album

Just The Clothes On My Back is out Nov. 2 through Bluetick Records

Naked Blue Team Up with Author Lee Child for Jack Reacher-Inspired Album

Lee Child, author of the Jack Reacher series of novels, has announced that he will be teaming up with Americana duo Naked Blue to co-write a roots-rock album inspired by Jack Reacher. The album, titled Just The Clothes On My Back, will be out Nov. 2 through Bluetick Records.

The trio will perform a special album release in New York City at City Winery Loft on the day the album drops, a few days before Child’s 23rd Jack Reacher novel, Past Tense, is set to hit shelves.The concert will be followed by an intimate, in-the-round Q&A portion.

“Making this record was three things in one for me,” Child said in a statement. “First, intense fun with my friends Scott and Jen, who are two of the nicest people a guy could hope to meet; second, a fascinating peek at how creativity works in a different medium than my own; and third, it gives me an album I can listen to for the rest of my life and think, hey, wow, I had a part in this.”

Check out Child and Naked Blue introducing the album below.

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