Oasis: Dig Out Your Soul

Brit-Pop vets create a wall of boring
For all the band’s outlandish bragging, Oasis has never shown as much nerve in its sound, preferring to polish the rough edges and refine aggressions rather than seek new territory. This neo-conservatism worked in the past when it uncovered a magical melody, and the newfound band democracy of 2005’s Don’t Believe The Truth pointed toward a potential second act. Each member contributes songs here as well, Noel Gallagher’s “The Shock Of The Lightning” and “Falling Down” coming closest to the classic Oasis sound. However, left with half-baked blues (Noel’s “[Get Off Your] High Horse Lady,” bassist Andy Bell’s “The Nature of Reality”), droning, unimaginative psychedelia (guitarist Gem Archer’s “To Be Where There’s Life,” Liam Gallagher’s “Soldier On”) and an overall sound that’s been compressed and flatlined into one continuous buzz, this sounds like a tired band that had already gone through the motions before it even started.
Listen to tracks from Dig Out Your Soul on Oasis’ MySpace page.