Introducing Dear Patsy: Paste‘s New Pop Culture Advice Column

Send us your burning questions and/or requests for recommendations to [email protected]

Introducing Dear Patsy: Paste‘s New Pop Culture Advice Column

Have you ever been in a musical rut? Like, nothing—not even your favorite record—sounds right, and you just need something fresh? What about a TV dead-end, or maybe you’re at a loss for which movie to watch next? Or, perhaps, you have some serious questions about the new The 1975 album, the Outlander finale, the ongoing beef between Chrissy Teigen and Alison Roman, or why the Hamilton movie is dropping a year early?

We want to hear your questions—or, Patsy does!—and we want to be your guiding light in the ever-foggy, fast-changing world of pop culture.

Dear Patsy is your new one-stop-shop for any and all questions about music, movies, TV, comedy, videogames, celebrities or whatever else you want to ask our pop culture expert. Send Patsy your question to [email protected] with a snappy subject line including the words “Dear Patsy,” and you could be featured in Paste’s newest weekly column. Simple as that!

Dear Patsy is a new digital service to you—our readers and pals—during a time when digital communication is more important than ever. Patsy is super-duper pumped to connect with you and act as a resource, as well as a source of fun. And hey, it can be anonymous! Feel free to sign your emails with an alias or nom de plume of your choosing. We can keep a secret.

OK, make sense? Again, if you want to chat/probe/wax poetic about your favorite things, email Patsy at [email protected]. Be nice please. And stay tuned for the first column, which will be published next week. Adieu for now!

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