Punk Rockers Radkey Sign to Another Century Records, Announce New Album, Release Music Video
Photo by Matt RadkeThe three brothers that make up the Missouri outfit Radkey are quick to shun genre labels: “Radkey does whatever they want. Whether it’s hard and fast, or slow and groovy as fuck. […] Radkey doesn’t cater to one sound,” reads the band’s Facebook page.
The band just signed to a hard-rock label, Another Century Records, but the move doesn’t seem to signal a shift towards a narrower musical focus. They’ve also announced a forthcoming sophomore LP, Delicious Rock Noise, calling it “the album we’ve always dreamt of making” in a press release. “It was really important to make an album the way we believe rock records should be made, and that’s pretty much writing anything you feel like writing and then recording it because you feel that it rocks exactly the way that you needed it to,” the band explained in a statement. “Delicious Rock Noise is everything that we are.”
To accompany this announcement, Radkey released a music video for the title track from their debut LP, Dark Black Makeup. It was shot live at August’s Pain In The Grass festival and features lots of manic eye-rolling from bassist Isaiah Radke.
Look out for Delicious Rock Noise, coming Nov. 11, and check out the video for “Dark Black Makeup” below.