Steve Aoki and Darren Criss Literally Made an EDM Cover of “Crash Into Me”

Steve Aoki and Darren Criss Literally Made an EDM Cover of “Crash Into Me”

Did you know that the ‘DM’ in ‘EDM’ stands for Dave Matthews?

Neither did we, but who cares: the fruits of Steve Aoki and Darren Criss’s labor hath brought us an EDM reimagining of Dave Matthews Band’s “Crash Into Me” just in time for the weekend.

“Crash Into Me” is immortal at this point, living on in a few weird-ass Ezra Koenig covers and bearing newfound emotional weight thanks to some striking scenes in Lady Bird. Lest we forget, however, the time Matthews told VH1’s Storytellers that the song is written from the perspective of a voyeur watching a teenage girl from her bedroom window. Cool!

The cover isn’t bad at all—its transformation weirdly fits the genre, and the song could easily stand on its own as some sort of spin class, Forever 21 dressing room chart-topper (if you could suspend your aversion to its stalking narrative for just one moment).

It looks like Criss has been planning to take on the Dave Matthews original for quite some time: “When EDM was becoming more popular in the States, I can remember thinking, ‘Man, if I was an EDM DJ, I would love to just take Dave Matthews’ seminal “Crash Into Me” and turn it from a six-minute unconventional ballad with chimes and odd bars and things that are pretty counterintuitive to what a normal [hit] song would be, and I would put it into a box of 2019 club bangers,’” the actor told Billboard.

Thank God we finally have an excuse to listen to DMB in the club.

Check out the track and Criss’s Instagram post below.

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