The Donald Trump—Elizabeth Warren Feud Will Entertain Us Until November

The Donald Trump—Elizabeth Warren Feud Will Entertain Us Until November

It was incumbent upon Elizabeth Warren to keep a relatively low profile during the Democratic primary, since she made the choice not to endorse Bernie Sanders and didn’t want to further aggravate her progressive base with any overtly pro-Clinton sentiments, but she did manage to find her voice when it came to Donald Trump. The natural enemy of the left took a good degree of fire from Warren, who first struck at the presumptive GOP nominee on May 3, with tweets like these:

Trump responded, as you might guess, with a quintessential personal attack:

The reference to Warren’s Native American ancestry dates back to her days at Harvard, when she listed herself as having native roots. That came into play in her 2012 Senate race against Scott Brown, when her Republican opponents tried to get her to prove her lineage, and accused her of using false minority status to get ahead in the world of academia.

Warren did not sit idly by, nor did she wait three days to respond:

Over the next month, Warren and Trump took a potshot or two at the other, but once Warren officially endorsed Clinton, the cold war once more turned hot. At a convention for the American Constitution Society, Elizabeth Warren teed off on Trump. Watch the video below:

Among the choice quotes, from Politico:

Warren assailed the presumptive Republican nominee during a speech at the American Constitution Society, first calling him a “thin-skinned racist” and continuing the “thin-skinned” taunt throughout her stemwinder…Warren also called Trump “a loud, nasty thin-skinned fraud who has never risked anything for anyone and who serves no one but himself,” as well as a “small, insecure thin-skinned wannabe tyrant.”

Nice! The next morning, Trump fired back on Twitter, deploying his new favorite nickname for Warren:

The best feud of the 2016 campaign season has only heated up since then, and it can only get better from now until November.

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