DC Bookstores Completely Sold Out of Fire and Fury in Only 20 Minutes
Photo via Getty Images, Ralph Freso
In a piece of news that the president will probably be able to spin into some sort of bizarre compliment, copies of Michael Wolff’s brand new book Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House are reportedly flying off the shelves in the D.C. market this morning. Midnight lines of decidedly non-MAGA types were seen waiting in the cold to collect copies of the book when they went on sale, with DC shop Kramerbooks selling out every available copy in only 20 minutes.
Fire and Fury has garnered a slew of headlines in the past week as excerpts from the book began to surface that painted Trump’s first year in office as one of chaos, incompetence and backstabbing. Trump immediately responded to said backstabbing allegations by backstabbing the hell out of former adviser and chief strategist Steve Bannon, who is quoted in the book speaking critically of both Trump and his family’s connections to Russia, going so far as to use the word “treasonous.” As he has with so many other close former allies, Trump immediately made the claim that Bannon had never been an important part of his organization, saying the following:
Steve Bannon has nothing to do with me or my Presidency. When he was fired, he not only lost his job, he lost his mind. … Now that he is on his own, Steve is learning that winning isn’t as easy as I make it look.
Trump’s lawyers even tried to block the publishing of said book, sending a cease and desist to publisher Henry Holt and Company, which flipped a big middle finger in return by accelerating the book’s release date.
In the coming days, we can surely look forward to many more excerpts from Fire and Fury making their way to light. You can even check it out for yourself … assuming you can find a copy, of course.